which of the following environmental problems is associated with mexico city and santiago?


Answer 1

Air pollution is a significant environmental problem associated with both Mexico City and Santiago.

Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is known for its high levels of air pollution. The city is located in a valley surrounded by mountains, which contributes to the trapping of pollutants. Factors such as heavy traffic congestion, industrial emissions, and the burning of fossil fuels have led to the accumulation of smog and poor air quality. The city has implemented measures to address the issue, including vehicle emissions controls and restrictions on certain industries, but air pollution remains a significant concern. Santiago, the capital of Chile, also faces air pollution challenges. The city is situated in a basin surrounded by mountains, leading to the accumulation of pollutants. Factors such as vehicle emissions, industrial activities, wood-burning stoves for heating, and the geography of the region contribute to poor air quality. The city has implemented measures to combat pollution, including vehicle emissions standards, restrictions on wood-burning, and efforts to promote public transportation and cycling.

Learn more about environmental problem here: brainly.com/question/1350250


Related Questions

Wegener's evidence for a united Pangaea comes from the fossil record of which type of organisms?A. plant pollenB. planktonC. marine animalsD. land animals


Wegener's evidence for a united Pangaea came from the fossil record of marine animals.

The correct option is C.

Wegener argued that if the continents were once joined together, the fossil records of marine animals would show similarities across the continents. He noted that fossils of similar species of marine animals were present on different continents.

For example, similar species of Mesosaurus, a freshwater reptile, were found in South America and Africa. Wegener also noted that certain fossilized plants, such as Glossopteris, were found in various parts of the world, further suggesting that the continents were once joined.

Additionally, the coastlines of the continents seemed to match up, as if they had been connected at one point. Ultimately, Wegener's evidence for a united Pangaea came from the fossil record of marine animals, which provided strong evidence of the existence of a supercontinent.

To know more about Wegener , click here:



an example of an edge effect is 1) shorter tree canopy 2) lower humidity 3) increased wind 4) all answers are examples


An example of an edge effect is when all answers are examples. In the context of ecology and habitat fragmentation, an edge effect refers to the changes and unique conditions that occur at the boundary or edge between two different ecosystems or habitats.

These changes can impact various environmental factors. For instance, at the edge of a forest where it meets an open field, the tree canopy may be shorter due to increased exposure to sunlight. This can lead to lower humidity levels and increased wind compared to the interior of the forest. Therefore, all of the given options (1) shorter tree canopy, (2) lower humidity, and (3) increased wind, can be considered examples of edge effects.

Learn more about edge effect here: brainly.com/question/32135898


the doppler effect can reveal the rotation speed of a star by the splitting of the spectral lines. true or false


True. The Doppler effect is a phenomenon that occurs when there is a relative motion between a source emitting waves and an observer receiving them.

In the case of a rotating star, different parts of the star's surface are moving towards or away from the observer at different speeds, causing a shift in the wavelengths of the light emitted by the star. This shift can be observed as a splitting of the spectral lines in the star's spectrum, which provides valuable information about the star's rotation speed. By analyzing the degree of splitting in the spectral lines, astronomers can determine the rotation speed of the star, as well as other properties such as its mass, radius, and composition. Overall, the Doppler effect is a powerful tool for studying the properties and behavior of stars, and it has played a key role in our understanding of the universe.

to know more about Doppler effect visit:



All of the following statements describe the Islamic practice of polygyny except: a) a man may have up to four wives b) each wife must have a separate dwelling and be well cared for c) most men in the region practice polygyny d) polygyny is legal in most states in the region


The statement that "most men in the region practice polygyny" is not true and does not describe the Islamic practice of polygyny.

The correct option is C.

Polygyny, or the practice of a man having multiple wives, is a common practice among Muslims. This practice is accepted by Islamic law, and in many Muslim countries and regions it is legal. Islamic law states that a man may have up to four wives, each of whom must have her own separate dwelling and must be well cared for.

Despite being legal in many regions, polygyny is not a common practice among all Muslims. In fact, most men in the region do not practice polygyny, and it is not required by Islamic law. Therefore, the statement that "most men in the region practice polygyny" is not true and does not describe the Islamic practice of polygyny.

To know more about Polygyny, click here:



what is the main driving force that causes earth's tectonic plates to drift?


The main driving force that causes the Earth's tectonic plates to drift is convection currents in the mantle, a process known as mantle convection.

The Earth's interior is composed of several layers, with the mantle being the thickest layer beneath the crust. The mantle is partially molten and experiences heat transfer through convection. As heat rises from the Earth's core, it generates convection currents in the mantle. These currents cause the solid rock above them to move and flow in a cyclic pattern. The flowing mantle material exerts a drag force on the overlying tectonic plates, causing them to move. The plates are divided into large segments that float on the semi-fluid mantle and interact with each other at their boundaries. These interactions create various tectonic features such as divergent boundaries (where plates move apart), convergent boundaries (where plates collide), and transform boundaries (where plates slide past each other). The driving force behind these plate movements is ultimately derived from the heat transfer and convective motion within the mantle.

Learn more about Earth's tectonic plates here: brainly.com/question/30040928


dissolved gases may comprise up to a few percent by weight of a magmaa. trueb. false


The statement "Dissolved gases may comprise up to a few percent by weight of a magma" is true.

Dissolved gases, such as water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2), can be found in magma, and they significantly influence its properties and behavior. These gases are released from the magma during volcanic eruptions, contributing to the explosiveness of the event.

The presence and concentration of these gases also impact magma's viscosity and its ability to flow. Typically, the percentage of dissolved gases in magma ranges from less than 1% to a few percent by weight, depending on the composition of the magma and the depth at which it is located within the Earth's crust.

Hence,  The statement "Dissolved gases may comprise up to a few percent by weight of a magma" is true.

To know more about magma visit



Which of the following statements correctly explain how radiation and cloud cover interact?a. More outgoing radiation is reflected back to Earth on cloudy nights than is reflected on clear nights.b. More incoming radiation reaches the surface of the Earth on clear days than does on cloudy days.


Statement b is correct. Cloud cover reduces the amount of incoming solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface. This is because clouds absorb and scatter a portion of the incoming radiation.

On clear days, more solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface, leading to warmer temperatures. Conversely, on cloudy days, less radiation reaches the surface, leading to cooler temperatures.
The presence of clouds also affects the amount of outgoing radiation that is reflected back to Earth. However, this effect is opposite to statement a. On clear nights, more outgoing radiation is able to escape back to space, leading to cooler temperatures. On cloudy nights, the clouds act as a blanket and reflect some of the outgoing radiation back to Earth, leading to warmer temperatures.
Overall, cloud cover plays an important role in the Earth's energy balance and can have significant impacts on weather and climate.

to know more about radiation visit:



One side of a design is reflected exactly across a central axis, mirroring the other. Under which
of the following categories does this example fall?
(1 poin
formal symmetry
near symmetry
perfect symmetry
radial symmetry


Near symmetry and perfect symmetry are not the same as formal symmetry. Near symmetry means that the elements of a design are similar but not identical, while perfect symmetry means that the design is identical on all sides. Radial symmetry is a type of symmetry where the elements of a design are arranged around a central point.

This example falls under the category of formal symmetry. Formal symmetry is also known as bilateral symmetry, where one side of a design is a mirror image of the other. This type of symmetry is often used in graphic design, art, and architecture. It is an essential element of many designs, as it creates a sense of balance and harmony. Formal symmetry can be seen in many everyday objects, such as logos, buildings, and even clothing. In contrast, near symmetry and perfect symmetry are not the same as formal symmetry. Near symmetry means that the elements of a design are similar but not identical, while perfect symmetry means that the design is identical on all sides. Radial symmetry is a type of symmetry where the elements of a design are arranged around a central point.

To know more about near symmetry visit :



the main chemical building blocks of life, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and iron were formed


The main chemical building blocks of life, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and iron, were formed through various processes in the universe.

Carbon, which is a fundamental element for life as we know it, is primarily produced through stellar nucleosynthesis. It is formed in the cores of stars through nuclear fusion reactions, particularly during the later stages of stellar evolution.

Nitrogen and oxygen are mainly synthesized through stellar processes as well. These elements are produced during stellar nucleosynthesis in massive stars through fusion reactions and during supernova explosions, which distribute these elements into the surrounding space.

Iron, on the other hand, is primarily formed in the cores of massive stars through nuclear fusion reactions. When massive stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, they undergo a supernova explosion, dispersing iron and other heavy elements into space.

These processes of stellar nucleosynthesis and supernova explosions are crucial for the creation and distribution of the chemical elements necessary for life as we know it.

To know more about Carbon related question visit:



According to Viva!, _______ is the nation that imports the most kangaroo meat.


According to Viva!, Belgium is the nation that imports the most kangaroo meat.

Despite being an Australian icon, kangaroos are hunted for their meat, which is exported to various countries around the world, including Belgium. Kangaroo meat is often marketed as a healthier and more sustainable alternative to traditional meats such as beef and pork.

However, animal rights groups argue that the commercial hunting of kangaroos is cruel and unsustainable, and that the industry contributes to the decline of kangaroo populations in Australia.

In recent years, there have been increasing calls for a ban on the import and sale of kangaroo meat in countries such as Belgium, due to concerns about animal welfare and sustainability.

To know more about kangaroo meat refer here:



which of the following is not likely to happen when two spiral galaxies collide?


When two spiral galaxies collide, one thing that is not likely to happen is the formation of a single, perfectly symmetric spiral galaxy.

The collision of galaxies -

In a galactic collision, the gravitational interaction between two galaxies can destroy the original structure. This collision can cause gravitational disturbances, distort the shape of galaxies, and mix stars, gas, and dust. As such, the end result of galaxy collisions is often complex and can lead to different outcomes.

Collisions can trigger new star formations and trigger explosive bursts of star formation, but collisions are less likely to produce a single, perfectly symmetrical spiral galaxy. Irregular and peculiar galaxies are often formed, such as galaxy interactions and mergers, due to gravitational interactions and destruction of the original structure. In galaxy collisions, the specific outcome depends on factors such as the mass, orientation and relative velocity of the colliding galaxies. A variety of scenarios can occur, including the formation of elliptical galaxies, the emergence of new irregular galaxies, and the eventual merging of galaxies into a single, larger galaxy that exhibits characteristics of both spiral and elliptical galaxies.

To know more about spiral galaxies -



the new madrid seismic zone is an earthquake-prone area near the midwest part of the us.


Yes, that's correct. The New Madrid Seismic Zone is a region in the central United States that has a history of frequent seismic activity.

Located near the Midwest, it spans parts of Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky. The area is known for a series of powerful earthquakes that struck in 1811 and 1812, which remain among the largest earthquakes ever recorded in the United States. Scientists continue to monitor the seismic activity in the region, as there is always the potential for another earthquake to occur. In fact, recent studies have suggested that the risk of a major earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone may be higher than previously thought, which has prompted officials to take steps to prepare for such an event.

to know more about seismic activity visit:



how the tectonic setting might be related to lithospheric extension in the death valley region.


The tectonic setting of the Death Valley region, characterized by the presence of a divergent plate boundary, facilitates lithospheric extension and the formation of various geologic features, such as faults and grabens, that are observed in the area.

The tectonic setting of the Death Valley region is related to lithospheric extension primarily due to the presence of a divergent plate boundary. The region is located within the broader context of the Basin and Range Province, which is characterized by extensive stretching and thinning of the Earth's crust. The Basin and Range Province is formed by the interaction of two tectonic plates: the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. These plates are moving away from each other along the boundary known as the Eastern California Shear Zone. As a result, tensional forces act upon the lithosphere, causing it to undergo extension. The lithospheric extension in the Death Valley region is manifested through various geologic features. One notable feature is the Death Valley Fault System, which includes prominent faults like the Death Valley Fault and the Furnace Creek Fault. These faults accommodate the stretching and faulting of the crust, allowing the region to undergo extension.

Learn more about tectonic setting



Sea level is currently rising at nearly 5 mm/yr; at that rate, in what year will sea level be a foot (25 cm) higher than now?Group of answer choicesabout 5,000 yearsabout 50 yearsabout 5 yearsabout 500 years


According to the current rate of sea level rise, which is nearly 5 mm/yr, it will take about 50 years for the sea level to rise by a foot (25 cm) higher than now.

This calculation is based on the assumption that the rate of sea level rise will remain constant. However, it is important to note that sea level rise is a complex process influenced by various factors, including climate change, melting of glaciers and ice caps, and ocean currents. Therefore, it is difficult to predict with certainty the exact timeline of sea level rise. Nevertheless, it is crucial that we take action to reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the impacts of climate change to avoid catastrophic consequences.

To know more about sea level visit:



HYPOTHESIS: The cut-off low of April 2022 was responsible for the triggering floods and mass movement in the eThekwini Metropolitan area. These mass movement led to massive short and long term social, environmental, economic and infrastructural damage. Do a research project into the validity of the hypothesis above, wherein you will prove or disprove it to be correct or incorrect. You must address the following in your research:​


To investigate the validity of the hypothesis that the cut-off low of April 2022 was responsible for triggering floods and mass movements in the eThekwini Metropolitan area, a comprehensive research project would need to be undertaken. This research would likely involve collecting and analyzing meteorological data from the period in question, as well as assessing the extent of the damage caused by the floods and mass movements.

The project would need to consider factors such as the severity of the rainfall and the topography of the affected areas, as well as any contributing human factors such as inadequate infrastructure and poor land use practices. It would also be necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of any measures taken to mitigate the damage caused by the floods and mass movements.

Ultimately, the results of the research project would need to be evaluated in light of the available evidence, to  determining whether the hypothesis is supported by the data. If the evidence suggests that the cut-off low of April 2022 was indeed responsible for triggering the floods and mass movements, this would have important implications for disaster management planning in the eThekwini Metropolitan area and could inform the development of more effective measures to mitigate the impact of future events.

Know more about topography here:



Given a Orthometric Height of 112.12' and geoid undulation of −25.42 m what is the ellipsoidal height? 28.72' 137.54' 195.52' 86.70'


The ellipsoidal height is approximately 28.69'.

To calculate the ellipsoidal height, we need to add the geoid undulation to the orthometric height.

The orthometric height is given as 112.12', and the geoid undulation is given as -25.42 m. First, we need to convert the geoid undulation from meters to feet.

Since 1 meter is approximately equal to 3.28084 feet, we can calculate the geoid undulation in feet as follows:

-25.42 m * 3.28084 ft/m ≈ -83.43 ft

Now, we can add the geoid undulation to the orthometric height:

112.12 ft + (-83.43 ft) = 28.69 ft

Therefore, the ellipsoidal height is approximately 28.69'.

Learn more about ellipsoidal



in accordance with early european images, women in the pacific region have for centuries attained social status through sexual promiscuity


The statement that women in the Pacific region have attained social status through sexual promiscuity in accordance with early European images is a harmful and inaccurate stereotype.

It is important to recognize the cultural biases and colonial attitudes that have perpetuated this false belief. In reality, Pacific societies have complex systems of social organization and gender roles that vary greatly across different cultures and regions. Women have historically held important roles in many Pacific societies, including positions of political power, spiritual leadership, and economic influence.

Furthermore, the idea that women gain social status through sexual promiscuity is a damaging stereotype that perpetuates harmful notions of female sexuality and reinforces patriarchal attitudes. This stereotype is not only inaccurate but also degrading to the women of the Pacific region, who deserve to be respected and recognized for their diverse achievements and contributions to their communities. It is important to challenge and dismantle harmful stereotypes in order to promote cultural understanding and respect for all people.

Learn more about economic influence: https://brainly.com/question/30287441


if significant global warming happens, the consequences will include group of answer choices a shift in climate belts, with temperate climates moving to lower latitudes. weaker storms. a drop in sea level. an interruption of ocean currents and the heat transfer they accomplish.


Significant global warming is expected to have several consequences, including a shift in climate belts with temperate climates moving to lower latitudes.

As the planet warms, the boundaries of climatic zones may change, leading to alterations in precipitation patterns and temperature regimes. This can impact ecosystems, agriculture, and human settlements.

While the overall intensity and frequency of storms are projected to increase due to global warming, individual storms may become more intense, but the statement that they will be weaker is not accurate.

A drop in sea level is not an expected consequence of global warming. On the contrary, rising sea levels due to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, combined with thermal expansion of seawater, are major concerns.

Global warming can potentially disrupt ocean currents, which play a vital role in heat distribution. Changes in temperature and salinity can impact circulation patterns, with consequences for regional climate and marine ecosystems.

To know more about Global Warming related question visit:



A species of lizard has gone extinct. This could be due to any of the following reasons except inbreeding habitat destruction by humans introduction of a species that competed for food resources increased genetic diversity within the species


A species of lizard has gone extinct. This could be due to any of the following reasons except increased genetic diversity within the species

When the final known specimen of a species passes away without leaving a genetic heir, it is deemed that the species is extinct. Small numbers of a species increase the chance of extinction.

Man is a direct factor in the extinction of species; of the 8 million species now extant, 1 million are in jeopardy as a result of excessive resource usage on land and at sea. The biodiversity of ecosystems may be impacted by the artificial, deliberate, or unintended introduction of alien and invasive species into environments where they do not belong. Biodiversity is negatively impacted by the rising sea levels and global temperature.

Option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about Extinction here:



The complete question is, " A species of lizard has gone extinct. This could be due to any of the following reasons except ________.

A) inbreeding

B) habitat destruction by humans

C) introduction of a species that competed for food resources

D) increased genetic diversity within the species

E) climate change"

which statement about renewable resources is false? a) renewable resources will always be restored and replaced by natural processes. b) renewable resources can be used faster than natural processes can restore them. c) renewable resources can become depleted. d) soil and water are renewable resources.


The false statement about renewable resources is: b) Renewable resources can be used faster than natural processes can restore them.

Renewable resources, by definition, are resources that can be replenished or replaced naturally over time. However, it is possible to use renewable resources at a rate faster than natural processes can restore them, which can lead to depletion or degradation. This can occur when human consumption exceeds the resource's regeneration capacity.

For example, excessive deforestation can deplete forests faster than new trees can grow, or over-pumping of groundwater can lead to the depletion of aquifers. These are instances where renewable resources are being used unsustainably.

Therefore, statement b) is false, as renewable resources can be overexploited or used faster than natural processes can replenish them, resulting in depletion or degradation of the resource.

To know more about Renewable Resources related question visit:



What is a country that is not fully democratic or fully autocratic?


A country that is not fully democratic or fully autocratic is often referred to as a hybrid regime.

This means that while they may have democratic institutions and practices in place, they are not fully developed or implemented effectively. Alternatively, they may have elements of autocracy, such as limited civil liberties or restricted media freedom. These countries are often characterized by a lack of political and social stability, as well as limited economic opportunities for citizens. Examples of countries that are considered hybrid regimes include Russia, Venezuela, and Turkey. These countries have a mix of democratic and autocratic characteristics, which can make it difficult for citizens to exercise their rights and hold their leaders accountable.

to know more about hybrid regime visit:



Of all forms of electromagnetic energy, ______ radiation gives us the least access to our entire Milky Way Galaxy. a) X-ray b) visible light c) ultraviolet


Of all forms of electromagnetic energy, visible light radiation gives us the least access to our entire Milky Way Galaxy.

Visible light falls within a specific range of wavelengths that our eyes can detect, but it is limited in its ability to penetrate through various obstacles in space. Interstellar dust and gas can absorb and scatter visible light, obstructing our view of objects behind them. In contrast, X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) radiation can often pass through interstellar dust and reveal hidden structures and objects. X-ray telescopes and space-based UV observatories have been instrumental in studying distant regions of our galaxy that are inaccessible to visible light observations, allowing us to uncover the hidden aspects of the Milky Way.

Learn more about Milky Way Galaxy here: brainly.com/question/1601820


according to current models of solar system formation, why did uranus and neptune end up to be much less massive than jupiter and saturn? group of answer choices a. particles in the solar nebula were more spread out at greater distances, so that accretion took longer and there was less time to pull in gas before the solar wind cleared the nebula. b. the solar nebula had different chemical composition at different distances from the sun, leading to the differences in mass. c. ices were able to condense at the distance of jupiter and saturn, but only rock and metal could condense at the distances of uranus and neptune. d. the size differences are thought to be a random coincidence.


According to current models of solar system formation, the reason Uranus and Neptune ended up being less massive than Jupiter and Saturn is because particles in the solar nebula were more spread out at greater distances, resulting in longer accretion times and less time to pull in gas before the solar wind cleared the nebula.Option (a)

In the early stages of the solar system, a disk of gas and dust called the solar nebula surrounded the young Sun. At greater distances from the Sun, the particles in the nebula were more spread out, resulting in slower accretion of material for Uranus and Neptune. This limited their ability to accumulate large amounts of gas before the solar wind dispersed the nebula, leading to their lower masses compared to Jupiter and Saturn.

Learn more about solar nebula



Full Question: according to current models of solar system formation, why did uranus and neptune end up to be much less massive than jupiter and saturn? group of answer choices

a. particles in the solar nebula were more spread out at greater distances, so that accretion took longer and there was less time to pull in gas before the solar wind cleared the nebula.

b. the solar nebula had different chemical composition at different distances from the sun, leading to the differences in mass.

c. ices were able to condense at the distance of jupiter and saturn, but only rock and metal could condense at the distances of uranus and neptune.

d. the size differences are thought to be a random coincidence.

if receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (raim) capability is lost in flight,


If receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) capability is lost in flight, the pilot has no assurance of the accuracy of the GPS position.

If a pilot loses RAIM capability in flight, then they no longer have any assurance of the accuracy of the GPS position. This means that the GPS receiver may be giving an incorrect position or may not be giving any position at all. This could put the pilot in a dangerous and unpredictable situation, as they would not know exactly where they are in relation to ground obstacles and terrain.

The pilot must then use other means of navigation such as VOR, NDB, or visual references to continue to fly safely. Additionally, the pilot should contact ATC right away to inform them of the loss of RAIM and adjust the flight plan accordingly. In order to prevent this from happening in the future, the pilot should ensure that they check the RAIM status prior to each flight and make sure that it is available before taking off.

To know more about GPS position, click here:



The Question-

if receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (raim) capability is lost in flight_______.

Which of the authors we have studied writes the following? "To be an American is not to have secured equality and justice, but only – with the help of a story of unprecedented aspiration – still to hope and struggle for them."


The author who writes "To be an American is not to have secured equality and justice, but only – with the help of a story of unprecedented aspiration – still to hope and struggle for them" is Ronald Takaki.

He wrote this in his book titled "A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America" which we have studied in our course. Takaki's writing emphasizes the idea that being American is not a guarantee of equality and justice, but rather a continuous struggle towards those ideals. He believes that the American identity is rooted in the stories and narratives of different ethnic groups who have fought for their rights and freedoms in the face of discrimination and oppression. His work explores the complexities of American history and culture, highlighting the contributions and struggles of marginalized groups.

To know more about Ronald Takaki visit:



An earth satellite moves in a circular orbit with an orbital speed of 6200 .
Find the time of one revolution of the satellite. in seconds
Find the radial acceleration of the satellite in its orbit. in M/s2


A. The time of one revolution of the satellite is approximately 0.997 seconds.

B. The radial acceleration of the satellite in its orbit is approximately 39,593.59 m/s².

To find the time of one revolution of the satellite, we need to use the formula for the circumference of a circle. The circumference of a circle is given by C = 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle. In this case, the radius is the distance from the center of the Earth to the satellite.

Given that the satellite is moving in a circular orbit with an orbital speed of 6200 m/s, we can use this speed to determine the radius of the orbit. The orbital speed is defined as the distance traveled in one second, so the distance traveled in one revolution is equal to the circumference of the orbit. Therefore, we have:

C = 2πr

6200 = 2πr

Solving for r, we find r ≈ 6200 / (2π) ≈ 986.96 meters.

Now, to find the time of one revolution, we divide the circumference of the orbit by the orbital speed:

Time = C / Speed

Time = (2πr) / 6200

Plugging in the value of r, we get:

Time ≈ (2π * 986.96) / 6200 ≈ 0.997 seconds.

Therefore, the time of one revolution of the satellite is approximately 0.997 seconds.

Now let's move on to calculating the radial acceleration of the satellite in its orbit. The radial acceleration is the acceleration directed towards the center of the circle, and it can be determined using the formula:

Radial Acceleration = (Orbital Speed)^2 / Radius

Plugging in the values, we have:

Radial Acceleration = (6200)^2 / 986.96

Radial Acceleration ≈ 39,040,000 / 986.96

Radial Acceleration ≈ 39,593.59 m/s²

Therefore, the radial acceleration of the satellite in its orbit is approximately 39,593.59 m/s². This acceleration is necessary to keep the satellite in a circular orbit, counteracting the gravitational force pulling it towards the Earth.

Know more about radial acceleration here:



Fair skies and light winds are typical of. the eye of the hurricane. The diameter of a hurricane is typically ______ that of an extra-tropical cyclone.


Clear skies and light breezes are typical hurricane eyes. The eye is an area of ​​relatively mild weather at the center of a tropical cyclone. Clear skies, light winds, and occasional lulls in precipitation.

The eye of a hurricane -

The eye is surrounded by the Eyewall, the ring of intense thunderstorms that causes the strongest winds and heaviest rainfall in a hurricane.

Hurricanes are generally smaller in terms of hurricane diameter compared to extratropical cyclones. Hurricanes average diameters range from 160 to 960 kilometers (100 to 600 miles), but extratropical cyclones, which are typical mid-latitude storms, tend to be larger in diameter, often reaching 1600 kilometers (1000 miles). exceed. ). Hurricanes are more compact and concentrated systems compared to temperate hurricanes. 

To know more about eye of hurricane -



during a severe storm the atmospheric pressure can drop to 98,000 pascals. what will the height (in mm) of a mercury column in a barometer during such a storm?


The height of a mercury column in a barometer during a severe storm when the atmospheric pressure drops to 98,000 pascals would be approximately 734 mm.

This is because a standard mercury barometer has a scale calibrated in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and at standard conditions, the atmospheric pressure is 760 mmHg. However, when the pressure drops to 98,000 pascals, it is equivalent to a pressure of approximately 730 mmHg. Therefore, the height of the mercury column in the barometer would decrease to approximately 734 mm. It is important to note that severe storms and changes in atmospheric pressure can have significant impacts on weather patterns and should be closely monitored by meteorologists and weather forecasting systems.

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the parking lot of calico ghost town in southern california is a great place to study folds due to excellent exposure and easy access. the series of questions below focuses on types of folds and their components. the photo below shows a fold train, composed of two folds, and their features outlined by orange and red lines.


Folds are geological structures that result from the deformation of rocks under tectonic forces. They are commonly found in areas where the Earth's crust experiences compressional stress. Folds typically consist of two main components:

1. Fold axis: This refers to the central line or axis around which the rock layers bend or curve. The fold axis can be horizontal, vertical, or inclined, depending on the orientation of the fold.

2. Limbs: The limbs are the two sides of the fold that flank the fold axis. They consist of the rock layers that are deformed and curved due to folding. The limbs can have varying dip angles and may exhibit different degrees of deformation.

By studying folds, geologists can gain insights into the history of tectonic processes, rock deformation, and the overall geological evolution of an area.

Learn more about geologists  here: brainly.com/question/20648472


The first complex life appeared on Earth about 0.5 billion years ago during the
a. Jurassic period.
b. Mississippian period.
c. Cambrian period.
d. Precambrian period.
e. Neolithic period.


The Cambrian period, which occurred approximately 541 million years ago, is known for the "Cambrian explosion," a rapid diversification of life forms on Earth.

It was during this period that the first complex multicellular organisms, such as trilobites and early arthropods, appeared in the fossil record. The Precambrian period refers to the vast amount of time before the Cambrian period and encompasses the origins of life and the development of simpler organisms, but complex life did not emerge until the Cambrian period. The Jurassic period is a later period in the Mesozoic era known for dinosaurs, the Mississippian period is a subdivision of the Carboniferous period, and the Neolithic period corresponds to the Stone Age, which is much more recent and relates to human cultural development.

Learn more about Cambrian period here: brainly.com/question/8132166


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