Which of the following technologies was NOT a part of warfare during the Civil War?A. hot-air balloonsB. repeating riflesC. submarinesD. dynamiteE. torpedoes


Answer 1

The technology that was not a part of warfare during the Civil War was dynamite. Option D.

During the Civil War, several new technologies were introduced in the field of warfare. These innovations included hot-air balloons, repeating rifles, submarines, dynamite, and torpedoes

Dynamite, a powerful explosive, was not widely used in warfare during the Civil War as it was not yet developed. Although it was invented in 1867, two years after the Civil War ended, it was not until the late 19th century that dynamite was used extensively in the field of warfare.

On the other hand, hot-air balloons were used during the Civil War for reconnaissance purposes, giving Union forces an aerial view of Confederate troops. Repeating rifles, such as the Henry rifle, were also used during the Civil War, allowing soldiers to fire multiple rounds without having to reload their weapon.

Submarines, such as the H.L. Hunley, were also used during the Civil War. Although they were not very effective, they paved the way for the development of modern submarines. Finally, torpedoes were also used during the Civil War, mainly by the Confederacy.

These underwater explosive devices were used to attack Union ships and were effective in damaging or sinking them.

In conclusion, while several new technologies were introduced in the field of warfare during the Civil War, dynamite was not one of them.

The other technologies, including hot-air balloons, repeating rifles, submarines, and torpedoes, were all used during the Civil War and had a significant impact on the outcome of the war. So Option D is correct.

For more question on technology visit:



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the decisive victory in the war came with winfield scott’s capture of


The decisive victory in the war came with Winfield Scott's capture of Mexico City in 1847. This victory marked the end of the Mexican-American War, which had been fought over several years due to disputes over the border between Texas and Mexico.

Scott's capture of the capital was a significant blow to the Mexican army and government, as it effectively ended their ability to fight the Americans. The capture of Mexico City also paved the way for the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which officially ended the war and gave the United States control over a significant portion of Mexico's territory.

Scott's capture of Mexico City is considered one of the most important military victories in American history.

To know more about Mexican-American War, refer to the link:



this art movement was inspired by cubism and began in the netherlands, with its main focus being universal harmony:


The art movement inspired by Cubism that began in the Netherlands, with its main focus being universal harmony, is known as De Stijl.

De Stijl, meaning "The Style" in Dutch, emerged in the early 20th century and sought to create a new visual language based on geometric forms, primary colors, and a reduction of artistic elements to their essential forms.

The artists associated with De Stijl, such as Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg, aimed to achieve a sense of universal harmony and order through their art. They believed that by using geometric abstraction and simplified forms, they could express the underlying harmony of the universe and create a visual language that transcended cultural and national boundaries.

De Stijl artists often used a grid-like structure, horizontal and vertical lines, and primary colors in their compositions. They sought to create a sense of balance, rhythm, and harmony in their artworks, with a focus on the relationship between colors, forms, and space. Mondrian's iconic paintings with black grid lines and blocks of primary colors exemplify the principles of De Stijl.

The movement also extended beyond visual arts to architecture, design, and typography, aiming to create a harmonious environment in all aspects of life. De Stijl had a significant influence on modern art and design, and its principles continue to inspire artists and designers to this day.

Learn more about relationship here:



.Using your knowledge of world history, the sources above MOST directly reflect which of the following historic trends?
A. In the 19th Century, new technologies affected
B. In the 19th Century, varying environmental conditions
led to different outcomes for migrants.
C. In the 19th Century, migrant settlements suffered
disadvantages due to mistreatment by employers
and political leaders.
D. In the 19th Century, states attempted to regulate the
flow of people across their borders


The source that most directly reflects the historic trend of varying environmental conditions leading to different outcomes for migrants in the 19th century is B.

During the 19th century, many people migrated to new areas in search of better opportunities or to escape environmental challenges such as drought, famine, or natural disasters.

For example, many Irish migrants fled to North America in the 19th century to escape the poverty and political unrest caused by the Great Famine. Similarly, many Chinese migrants went to South America in the 19th century to work on the coffee and sugar plantations, which were fueled by the demand for these crops in Europe.

Learn more about environmental conditions



what was one reason that "dark horse" james k. polk won the presidency in 1844?


One reason that "dark horse" James K. Polk won the presidency in 1844 was his strong stance on the issue of territorial expansion.

Polk, a former Speaker of the House and governor of Tennessee, was relatively unknown nationally and was not seen as a frontrunner in the Democratic Party's presidential nomination race.

However, he was able to rally support among Democrats who favored the annexation of Texas and the acquisition of new territories in the West.

Polk campaigned on the promise of achieving these goals and his fervent support for Manifest Destiny, the belief that the United States was destined to expand its territory to the Pacific Ocean. This message resonated with many voters, particularly in the South and West, and helped propel Polk to victory over his Whig opponent Henry Clay.

Polk's victory was seen as a surprise at the time, but his bold platform and clear vision for the country's future helped him overcome his initial status as a "dark horse" candidate.

Learn more about presidency of James K. Polk :



What was the primary motivation for Europeans to build empires?


The primary motivation for Europeans to build empires can be attributed to a combination of factors, including economic, political, and ideological reasons.

Here are some key motivations that drove European imperial expansion:

Economic factors: Europeans sought to establish colonies and acquire territories to gain access to valuable resources, such as spices, precious metals, and raw materials. These resources were crucial for European industries and trade, enabling them to accumulate wealth, expand their economies, and maintain a competitive advantage in global markets.

Political and strategic interests: Building empires provided European nations with strategic advantages and increased their geopolitical power. Control over colonies and territories allowed them to establish military bases, secure trade routes, and extend their influence across regions. It also provided a sense of prestige and reinforced their status as major global powers.

Competition and rivalry: European nations engaged in fierce competition with one another to acquire colonies and expand their spheres of influence. The desire to surpass rival nations and establish dominance drove imperial ambitions. This competition was fueled by a belief in the notion of "survival of the fittest" and a desire to secure advantages in terms of territory, resources, and trade.

Ideological and cultural motivations: Europeans held beliefs in racial and cultural superiority, often referred to as "civilizing missions" or the "White Man's Burden." They viewed their expansion as a mission to spread their religion, culture, language, and societal values to supposedly "less advanced" societies. This ideological motivation played a significant role in justifying colonization and imperial domination.

It is important to note that motivations varied among different European nations and individuals, and not all Europeans supported or participated in imperial endeavors. Additionally, the impact of imperialism on colonized societies was often marked by exploitation, oppression, and the disruption of local cultures and economies.

For more questions on Europeans



why did many progressives advocate restricting immigration to the united states?


Many progressives advocated for restricting immigration to the United States because they believed that the influx of immigrants, particularly from Eastern and Southern Europe, threatened American culture and society.

They believed that the newcomers brought with them foreign ideas and values that were incompatible with American ideals and that they were a drain on the country's resources and economy. Additionally, many progressives were concerned about the impact of immigration on the labor market, as they believed that immigrants were taking jobs away from American workers and driving down wages.

Overall, progressives saw restricting immigration as a way to protect American society and preserve its values.

Learn more about restricting immigration here:https://brainly.com/question/249386


give three reasons why we study north africa with southwest asia (middle east)?



These things are true of both Northern Africa, but not Africa South of the Sahara, and Southwest Asia, but not other parts of Asia. That is why those sections of the continents are studied together. Other important features of the Mideast are the abundance of petroleum, the difficulty in having enough water, and a high level of conflict.

There are many reasons why studying North Africa with Southwest Asia (Middle East) is important. Firstly, the two regions share a long and complex history of cultural and economic exchange. Understanding the historical connections and interdependencies between these two regions can provide valuable insights into contemporary issues, such as migration, trade, and conflict. Secondly, both regions are home to some of the world's most important natural resources, including oil, gas, and minerals.

There are many reasons why studying North Africa with Southwest Asia (Middle East) is important. Firstly, the two regions share a long and complex history of cultural and economic exchange. Understanding the historical connections and interdependencies between these two regions can provide valuable insights into contemporary issues, such as migration, trade, and conflict. Secondly, both regions are home to some of the world's most important natural resources, including oil, gas, and minerals. Studying the politics and economics of resource extraction in these regions is therefore crucial for understanding global energy markets and geopolitics. Finally, both North Africa and Southwest Asia are characterized by a rich and diverse cultural heritage, including Islamic, Christian, and Jewish traditions. Studying the religious, linguistic, and artistic traditions of these regions can provide a deeper appreciation for the diversity and complexity of the human experience. In conclusion, studying North Africa with Southwest Asia is essential for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay of history, politics, economics, and culture in these important regions of the world.

To know more about cultural visit:



What was the result of the Scopes trial?


The Scopes trial's outcome, which gave the Butler Act legal legitimacy. Option (C) is hence the appropriate response.

Public school instructors in Tennessee were forbidden by the Butler Act of 1925 from refuting the story of humanity's origins found in the book of Genesis.

In addition, the legislation prohibited substituting the biblical narrative with the theory that man evolved from lower orders of animals. John Washington Butler,

a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives legitimacy.  who gave the statute its name, was the one who first proposed it. After being signed into law by Tennessee governor Austin Peay, it became Tennessee Code Annotated Title 49 (Education) Section 1922.

Learn more about Butler Act, from :



the south was different from the rest of the nation for all of the following factors except


There were some factors that the south shared with the rest of the nation. For instance, both the south and the rest of the nation were experiencing significant industrial growth during the mid-19th century. The rest of the nation was also heavily invested in agriculture, though it relied more on family farms rather than large plantations.

The south was a unique region in the United States due to various factors that set it apart from the rest of the nation. These factors included its economy, culture, political beliefs, and history. The south was primarily an agricultural region that relied heavily on the labor of enslaved Africans, which was a significant difference from the rest of the nation. The southern economy was dominated by large plantations that produced cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and cotton. The culture of the south was heavily influenced by the traditions of the English aristocracy, which emphasized a hierarchical society with an emphasis on land ownership. Additionally, the south was a deeply religious region that believed in the concept of states' rights and the supremacy of the individual over the federal government.

Both the south and the rest of the nation were undergoing significant political changes, such as the emergence of new political parties and the fight for civil rights.

Therefore, the south was different from the rest of the nation in several aspects, including its reliance on slavery, its hierarchical society, and its emphasis on states' rights. However, it shared some similarities with the rest of the nation, such as its growing industrialization, agricultural growth, and political changes.

To know more about The south visit:



The south was different from the rest of the nation for several reasons. Firstly, the economy in the south was primarily based on agriculture, with a heavy reliance on slave labor.

This was in contrast to the north, which was more industrialized. Secondly, the south had a distinct culture, including traditions such as hospitality, chivalry, and an emphasis on family and religion. Thirdly, the south had a history of being politically conservative and was strongly committed to states' rights, which often put them at odds with the federal government. Fourthly, the south was characterized by a racial hierarchy, with white supremacy at the top and African Americans at the bottom.

However, one factor that was not different between the south and the rest of the nation was geography. While the south had its own unique climate and natural resources, it was still part of the same continent as the rest of the nation and shared many geographical features, such as rivers and mountains. Additionally, many parts of the south were not significantly different from other regions of the country in terms of their economy, culture, or politics.

To know more about south visit



why did president truman order u.s. steel mills to remain open in 1952 during a labor problem?


In 1952, the United States was facing a labor problem in the steel industry. At that time, the steelworkers' union had threatened to go on strike, which would have resulted in the shutdown of U.S. steel mills. President Truman intervened in this situation by issuing an executive order that required the steel mills to remain open.

He argued that a strike in the steel industry would be detrimental to the country's national security and economic stability, as steel was a crucial material for military production during the Korean War.

However, Truman's decision was met with controversy, as many saw it as an infringement on workers' rights and the government overstepping its authority. U.S. Steel, the largest steel producer at the time, challenged the order in court, but the Supreme Court ultimately upheld Truman's decision.

The case, Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, set a precedent for the limits of executive power. Despite the controversy, Truman's order kept the steel mills open, and the steelworkers' union eventually reached a settlement with the steel companies.

To know more about President Truman visit:



The strike affected many industries across the country, and President Truman feared that it would lead to a national emergency. Hence, President Truman order U.S.steel mills to remain open in 1952 during a labor problem.

In 1952, the United States faced a major labor problem when steelworkers went on strike. The strike affected many industries across the country, and President Truman feared that it would lead to a national emergency. As a result, he decided to take action and ordered the U.S. Steel Mills to remain open.

There were several reasons why President Truman made this decision. Firstly, he was concerned about the impact that the strike would have on the country's economy. Steel was a vital resource for many industries, and a prolonged strike could lead to shortages and price increases.

Secondly, Truman was worried that the strike would undermine national security. With the Korean War still ongoing, the country needed a steady supply of steel for military purposes.

Finally, Truman believed that the strike was a threat to the public interest. He argued that the steelworkers were demanding excessive wage increases, and that this would lead to inflation and harm the broader economy.

In the end, Truman's decision to order the U.S. Steel Mills to remain open was controversial, with some critics arguing that it was an abuse of presidential power. However, Truman defended his actions as necessary to protect the national interest.

To know more about Truman visit



which european leader conquered the congo of africa and ruled it with blood and terror?



Which European leader conquered the Congo of Africa and ruled it with blood and terror? King Leopold of Belgium.


The European leader who conquered the Congo of Africa and ruled it with blood and terror was King Leopold II of Belgium. In the late 19th century, he established the Congo Free State, exploiting its resources and people for his personal gain, resulting in widespread suffering and millions of deaths.

The European leader who conquered the Congo of Africa and ruled it with blood and terror was King Leopold II of Belgium. He obtained the Congo through deceitful means and established a brutal regime that exploited the Congolese people for their natural resources. Leopold's regime was responsible for millions of deaths due to forced labor, disease, and violence. His reign was marked by a ruthless pursuit of profit and power, and his legacy in the Congo is one of oppression and suffering. In conclusion, King Leopold II of Belgium is infamous for his exploitation and mistreatment of the Congolese people during his rule of the Congo.

To know more about Congo Free State visit:



a great deal of the cotton produced in the american south in the early nineteenth century was__


A great deal of the cotton produced in the American South in the early nineteenth century was cultivated through the use of enslaved labor.

The institution of slavery played a significant role in the cotton industry, with enslaved individuals being forced to work on plantations, picking and processing the cotton crops. The expansion of cotton production and the profitability of cotton as a cash crop relied heavily on the exploitation of enslaved African Americans.

This system of forced labor contributed to the economic prosperity of the Southern states during that time, but it also perpetuated the injustices and human rights violations associated with slavery.

Learn more about slavery.



who ordered the building of the white tower, the old keep, at the tower of london?



William the Conqueror


The Tower of London is an internationally famous monument and one of England's most iconic structures. William the Conqueror built the White Tower in 1066 as a demonstration of Norman power, siting it strategically on the River Thames to act as both fortress and gateway to the capital.

The White Tower, also known as the Old Keep, was ordered to be built by William the Conqueror in 1078. It was a symbol of Norman power and served as a fortress, royal palace, and a prison throughout history. The tower was built to be a formidable fortress, with thick walls and sturdy construction. The White Tower has since become an iconic landmark of the Tower of London and a symbol of London itself.

The White Tower, also known as the Old Keep, was ordered to be built by William the Conqueror in 1078. It was a symbol of Norman power and served as a fortress, royal palace, and a prison throughout history. The tower was built to be a formidable fortress, with thick walls and sturdy construction. The White Tower has since become an iconic landmark of the Tower of London and a symbol of London itself. Today, visitors can explore the tower and learn about its fascinating history, from the royal jewels to the infamous prisoners who were held there. Overall, the White Tower is a remarkable example of medieval architecture and an important part of British history.

To know more about Conqueror visit:



Which option BEST comletes the diagram?


Based on the given information, the best option to complete the diagram for the Union would be:

D. Huge groups of refugees fleeing to other countries

What is the effect of the civil war on the US?

Though this option is not explicitly mentioned in the provided information, it is a plausible effect of the Civil War on the Union.

The Union, representing the Northern states, did not experience the same level of destruction and social upheaval as the Confederacy. Therefore, the scenario of huge groups of refugees fleeing to other countries is less likely to apply to the Union.

learn more about American Civil War: https://brainly.com/question/24992590


based on the above sources and your knowledge of world history, which of the following best describes the relationship between migration and receiving societies in the 19th century?
A. Communism.
B. Nationalism.
C. Enlightenment ideals.
D. Buddhism


B. Nationalism describes the relationship between migration and receiving societies in the 19th century.

During19th century, the concept of nationalism gained prominence and shaped the attitudes and policies of many receiving societies towards migration. Nationalism emphasizes the importance of the nation-state and its culture, language, and identity. As a result, receiving societies often sought to preserve their national identity and protect their cultural and economic interests by regulating and controlling migration.

In many cases, receiving societies promoted policies that favored the assimilation of migrants into the dominant culture or imposed restrictions on immigration. These measures aimed to maintain a sense of national unity and prevent the dilution of the receiving society's cultural heritage. Nationalism also fueled xenophobic sentiments and prejudice towards immigrants, as they were seen as threats to the nation's identity or economic well-being.

Communism (A), enlightenment ideals (C), and Buddhism (D) do not directly address the relationship between migration and receiving societies in the 19th century. While these concepts have influenced historical events and societies, they are not the most relevant factors when specifically examining the relationship between migration and receiving societies during that time period.

Learn more about enlightenment here:



Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the industrial revolution between 1750 and 1850?a. Families produced more for the marketplace.b. Standards of living increased.c. Farmers could produce enough food to feed large nonfarm populations.d. People devoted more time to work and less time to leisure.e. MORE PEOPLE EARNED A LIVING BY WORKING IN FACTORIES.


The correct answer to the question is More people earning a living by working in factories was actually one of the most significant characteristics of the Industrial Revolution between 1750 and 1850. Option E.

This period marked a significant shift from traditional methods of production, which were typically based in rural areas and relied on human and animal power, to new manufacturing processes that relied on machines and concentrated labor in urban areas.

The other four options listed were all key features of the Industrial Revolution. Families began to produce more for the marketplace as they were able to produce goods more efficiently and sell them for profit.

Standards of living also increased as access to new technologies and goods increased, and many people were able to find work in the new factories and industries that emerged during this period.

Farmers also experienced increased productivity, which allowed them to produce enough food to feed growing urban populations, and people generally devoted more time to work and less time to leisure as industrialization led to longer workdays and less free time.

In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution between 1750 and 1850 was characterized by many significant changes, including increased productivity, new manufacturing processes, and a shift towards urbanization and concentrated labor.

While there were certainly many challenges and inequalities associated with this period of rapid change, it also laid the foundation for many of the technological and economic advances that we still enjoy today. So Option E is correct.

For more question on Revolution visit:



. In your opinion, using paraphrased evidence (it does not need to be copy/pasted, just
explained), how does Trevor Noah use pathos (emotions) throughout his autobiography.
and is it an effective use of pathos (what does it do to help you, the reader)? (33 Points)


In his autobiography "Born a Crime," Trevor Noah employs pathos, or appeals to emotions, skillfully to captivate readers and help them connect with his life story on a deeper level. As an illustration, consider the time he describes how his stepfather shot his mother in the head. When Noah was a small child and witnessed such a horrible occurrence, he recalls feeling dread, terror, and despair.

First-person autobiography literature has been around for a while, although it wasn't called until the early nineteenth century. Roy Pascal notes that is a review of a life from a particular moment in time illustration,

while the diary, however reflective it may be, moves through a series of moments in time,"

Learn more about  autobiography, from :



which occurred after us troops withdrew from south vietnam? vietnam was united under a democratic government. fighting ended between north and south v


The South Vietnamese government collapsed after us troops withdrew from south Vietnam. (Option d)

After the withdrawal of US troops from South Vietnam in 1973, the South Vietnamese government faced increasing challenges from the North Vietnamese forces. The war intensified, and without the support and presence of US forces, the South Vietnamese government struggled to defend against the advancing North Vietnamese army.

Eventually, in 1975, the South Vietnamese government collapsed, leading to the reunification of Vietnam under communist rule. This marked the end of the Vietnam War and the realization of North Vietnam's objective to unite the country under a communist government. The withdrawal of US troops played a significant role in the subsequent collapse of the South Vietnamese government and the ultimate reunification of Vietnam.

Learn more about the South Vietnamese government



Complete Question:

Which occurred after US troops withdrew from South Vietnam? Was it:

a) Vietnam was united under a democratic government.

b) Fighting ended between North and South Vietnam.

c) The war intensified with increased involvement from other countries.

d) The South Vietnamese government collapsed.

in terms of sheer numbers, which of the following groups made up the backbone of southern society?



In terms of sheer numbers, which of the following groups made up the backbone of southern society? Yeoman farmers who owned no slaves. This term designated small, white southern farmers and set them apart from the planter class. What was the most important function of religion for slaves?

In terms of sheer numbers, the backbone of Southern society during the Antebellum period (before the American Civil War) was the group known as "yeoman farmers."

These were small landowners who typically farmed their land with the help of their family members and, in some cases, a small number of enslaved people.
Yeoman farmers were not part of the wealthy plantation elite, who owned large tracts of land and numerous enslaved people. However, they made up a significant portion of the Southern population and played a crucial role in the economy and social structure of the region. As independent landowners, they were often self-sufficient and held a certain amount of social and political influence within their local communities.
In contrast, the plantation owners and enslaved people, although significant in terms of their economic impact and social structure, did not make up the majority of the population in the South. Instead, it was the yeoman farmers, with their numbers, work ethic, and contribution to society, who can be considered the backbone of Southern society during this time period.

To know more about southern society visit:



in july 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the american public


In July 1940, opinion polls showed that the clear majority of the American public was against joining World War II.

The majority of Americans believed that the war was a European conflict that did not concern the United States. Additionally, the memories of World War I were still fresh in the minds of Americans, and they did not want to be dragged into another war. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, however, believed that the United States needed to support the Allied powers in their fight against Nazi Germany.

He worked to increase military spending and provide aid to Britain, hoping to convince the public that the war was necessary for the defense of democracy. It wasn't until the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 that public opinion shifted dramatically, and the United States entered the war. Overall, the opinion polls in July 1940 reflect the isolationist sentiment that was prevalent in America at the time.

For more about World War II:



quzziz . name the three major countries that formed the alliance known as the allied powers. answer choices great britain, soviet union, united states great britain, japan, united states germany, france, united states japan, germany, italy


The three major countries that formed the alliance known as the Allied Powers during World War II were Great Britain, Soviet Union, and United States.

how would a woman suffering from mental illness in the 1300s be seen?


It is difficult to say with certainty how a woman suffering from mental illness in the 1300s would have been seen, as attitudes and beliefs towards mental illness varied greatly depending on the time period and culture.

However, it is likely that she would have been stigmatized and marginalized, viewed as a burden on her family or community. Mental illness was often associated with demonic possession or witchcraft, and those who exhibited symptoms were often subjected to cruel and inhumane treatments such as exorcisms or being locked up in asylums. Women, in particular, were often targets of suspicion and persecution for their supposed vulnerability to witchcraft and other supernatural forces. It is important to remember that the understanding and treatment of mental illness has evolved over time, and that those who suffer from it should be treated with compassion and respect, regardless of the era in which they live.

To know more about mental illness visit:



what was the advice of president wilson as the great war became an international crisis?


President Wilson advised the U.S. to remain neutral and prioritize diplomacy during the Great War, promoting peace and international cooperation.

As the Great War escalated into an international crisis, President Woodrow Wilson provided valuable advice and guidance to the American people.

He emphasized a policy of neutrality, urging the nation to remain impartial and avoid taking sides in the conflict.

Wilson understood the potential consequences of being drawn into a war that was primarily a European affair.

Wilson also called for the United States to maintain open lines of communication with all nations involved in the conflict.

He advocated for diplomacy and peaceful negotiations as the preferred methods of resolving disputes, rather than resorting to armed conflict.

Wilson proposed a vision for a post-war world order based on the principles of democracy, self-determination, and collective security, as outlined in his Fourteen Points.

By championing neutrality, diplomacy, and a forward-thinking approach to international relations, President Wilson aimed to protect American interests while contributing to the ultimate goal of lasting peace and stability on a global scale.

For more such questions on President Wilson



This source is from the US Department of Justice website. The Justice Department is the primary law enforcement agency of the US federal government. It includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who are charged with investigating federal crimes, and the office of the US attorney general, who is charged with prosecuting those accused of committing federal crimes.
The Department of Justice's first priority is to prevent future terrorist attacks. Since its passage following the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Patriot Act has played a key part—and often the leading role—in a number of successful operations to protect innocent Americans from the deadly plans of terrorists dedicated to destroying America and our way of life. . . .
The government's success in preventing another catastrophic attack on the American homeland since September 11, 2001, would have been much more difficult, if not impossible, without the USA Patriot Act. The authorities Congress provided [in this law] have substantially enhanced our ability to prevent, investigate, and prosecute acts of terror.
-"The USA PATRIOT Act: Preserving Life and Liberty," Department of Justice
This document comes from ________.
Based on this passage, the author ______ the Patriot Act.
According to the author, without the Patriot Act, it would have been _______ to keep America safe.


This document comes from the US Department of Justice website. Based on this passage, the author supports the Patriot Act.

According to the author, without the Patriot Act, it would have been much more difficult, if not impossible, to keep America safe from terrorist attacks. The Patriot Act provides authorities that have substantially enhanced the ability of law enforcement agencies to prevent, investigate, and prosecute acts of terror. The Department of Justice sees preventing future terrorist attacks as their first priority, and the Patriot Act has played a key role in many successful operations aimed at protecting innocent Americans from deadly plans of terrorists who seek to destroy America and its way of life. The author emphasizes that the government's success in preventing another catastrophic attack on American soil since September 11, 2001, would have been much more challenging without the Patriot Act. Overall, the author presents a positive view of the Patriot Act and its role in preserving life and liberty in America.

Learn more about patriot act from here:




its "It has given the government more power to investigate and prosecute acts of terror"


i js got the question right

angry woman with baseball bat smashes windows in attack on greyhound bus in washington, d.c.


In September 2018, a woman was caught on video attacking a Greyhound bus in Washington, D.C. with a baseball bat.

The woman, who has since been identified as Mariana Silver, was reportedly upset after she sideswiped a car while illegally passing the bus. Silver then got out of her car and began smashing the windows of the bus with the bat. The bus driver was able to stop the attack by standing in front of the car, but Silver eventually drove away and hit the driver.

The attack on the Greyhound bus was a disturbing incident of road rage. Silver's actions were reckless and dangerous, and she could have easily injured or killed someone. It is fortunate that no one was seriously hurt in the attack. The incident also raises concerns about the safety of Greyhound buses.

Greyhound is one of the largest bus companies in the United States, and it transports millions of passengers each year. However, the company has a history of safety problems. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile incidents involving Greyhound buses, including shootings, stabbings, and assaults.

Learn more about Washington D.C



Complete Question:

Discuss this news article: angry woman with baseball bat smashes windows in attack on greyhound bus in washington, d.c.

give 5 reasons as to why was the terms of the treaty of versailles fair to germans in a way


It is difficult to argue that the Treaty of Versailles was fair to the Germans in any way. However, here are five possible reasons why some may consider the terms of the treaty to be fair:

Germany was held responsible for starting World War I, and the treaty ensured that they would pay for the damage they had caused. The financial reparations they were required to pay were meant to compensate the Allied powers for the costs of the war.

The treaty forced Germany to disarm, which was seen as a necessary measure to prevent them from starting another war. This was in line with the disarmament goals of the League of Nations, which aimed to maintain peace and stability in Europe.

The treaty created new states in Eastern Europe, including Poland and Czechoslovakia, which were granted independence from Germany. This was seen as a fair and just outcome, as these territories had previously been under German control.

for more such questions on Treaty of Versailles



what protestant denomination is credited with beginning the antislavery movement in the north?



Quakers in particular were early leaders in abolitionism. In 1688 Dutch Quakers in Germantown, Pennsylvania, sent an antislavery petition to the Monthly Meeting of Quakers. By 1727 British Quakers had expressed their official disapproval of the slave trade.


Have a nice day!

The Protestant denomination that is credited with beginning the antislavery movement in the north is the Quaker Church.

The Quakers, or the Religious Society of Friends, were among the first religious groups to actively oppose slavery in the United States. They believed that all human beings were equal in the eyes of God and that slavery was a violation of that belief. As early as the 1680s, Quakers in Pennsylvania were denouncing slavery and urging their fellow members to free their slaves. Over time, their message spread, and by the early 19th century, the Quakers were one of the most vocal and influential voices in the antislavery movement. They organized petitions, lobbied lawmakers, and provided support for enslaved people who were seeking their freedom. Their efforts were critical in laying the groundwork for the broader antislavery movement that eventually led to the abolition of slavery in the United States.
To know more about antislavery visit:



what is the most accurate title for this map above? a.of world war ii
b.creation of wartime c.war ii in the pacific
d.american imperialism in the 20th century


Need the map Sorry bro

Answer: WW2 in the pacific

Explanation: c

Gideon v Wainwright involved
a. 4th amendment illegal search and seizure
b. Ensured women could have an abortion in the first trimester
c. Overruled Plessy v Ferguson
d. Defendant right to counsel



d.  Defendant right to counsel


Answer - D Defendant right to counsel

what was the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish Nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946​


The pseudoscientific ideas of race propagated by Nazi Germany during 1933-1946 led to the persecution and systematic genocide of Jewish people, resulting in the Holocaust and the loss of millions of innocent lives.

The impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 was devastating. The Nazis propagated a racist ideology that deemed Jews as racially inferior and a threat to the so-called Aryan master race.

These pseudoscientific ideas, based on flawed theories of eugenics and racial purity, were used to justify the systematic persecution, discrimination, and ultimately the genocide of six million Jews during the Holocaust.

Under the Nazi regime, Jews were subjected to discriminatory laws, forced segregation, and the confiscation of their property and assets. They were stripped of their rights, confined to ghettos, and subjected to forced labor.

The culmination of this ideology was the implementation of the "Final Solution," a systematic plan to exterminate the Jewish population through mass killings in concentration camps, gas chambers, and other brutal methods.

The impact on the Jewish nation was the loss of millions of innocent lives, the destruction of families and communities, and the infliction of deep and lasting trauma. The Holocaust stands as a tragic reminder of the extreme consequences that can arise from the acceptance and implementation of pseudoscientific racist ideologies.

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