Your analysis should be set up in the following way:

1. Introduction: Provide a brief context of the novel Animal Farm, mentioning terms (e.g., allegory, satire) and connections to the Russian Revolution (major historical figures as characters). Also, you will want to define and briefly explain propaganda. This may require a two-paragraph introduction.

2. Body: (2-3 paragraphs) Identify specific examples of propaganda in the novel. Consider propaganda as any information: symbols, speeches, or public policies that are biased or misleading (used to trick others AND achieve a political goal). Who used the propaganda? Against whom? What was the goal of the propaganda? How did it work (explain the trick) in achieving that goal? Explain, cite, quote, and connect each to your understanding of propaganda to the novel's deeper meaning and Orwell's overall purposes.

3. Conclusion: Make inferences based on Orwell and his position on society, language, and political propaganda. Bring the topic up to date: If Orwell were still living, what might he think of our society's use of propaganda? Are the tricks in Animal Farm still a problem in our society? Why or why not? This may require a two-paragraph conclusion.

IF ANY ONE COULD DO IT PLEASE , dont explain do it.


Answer 1

Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell that serves as an allegory for the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalin's dictatorship. The novel is a satire that uses animal characters to represent major historical figures and events, with the pig Napoleon serving as a stand-in for Stalin. Propaganda is a key theme in the novel, as the pigs use it to manipulate the other animals and maintain their power. Propaganda is any information that is biased or misleading, used to trick others and achieve a political goal.


One example of propaganda in Animal Farm is the use of slogans and propaganda posters. The pigs create slogans like "Four legs good, two legs bad" and "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" to rally the other animals and maintain their control. These slogans are meant to simplify complex issues and distract the animals from the pigs' own wrongdoing. The pigs also create propaganda posters with images of Boxer, the loyal and hardworking horse, to promote the idea of animal unity and the success of the farm. These posters serve to mislead the animals and create a false sense of unity and progress.

Another example of propaganda in the novel is the manipulation of language. The pigs change the Seven Commandments of Animalism to suit their own needs, such as altering the commandment "No animal shall sleep in a bed" to "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets." They also use Newspeak, a simplified and restricted version of the English language, to control the animals' thoughts and limit their ability to express dissent. This manipulation of language serves to confuse and deceive the other animals, making it easier for the pigs to maintain their power.


Orwell's position on society, language, and political propaganda is clear in Animal Farm. He critiques the use of propaganda to manipulate and deceive the masses, and the dangers of allowing a small group of elites to control the flow of information. If Orwell were still alive today, he might be concerned about the continued use of propaganda in our society, particularly in the form of media manipulation and the spread of misinformation through social media. However, it is also important to note that the tricks used in Animal Farm, such as the manipulation of language and the creation of propaganda posters, are not necessarily still a problem in our society. While these tactics are still used, there are also more avenues for fact-checking and accountability, as well as a greater awareness of the dangers of propaganda.

Related Questions

Which of the five "1's" of Romantics is represented in Because I could not stop for Death? Explain how.


The fifth of the five "1s" of Romanticism that is represented in the poem "Because I could not stop for Death" is the focus on the individual and subjective experience.

The poem describes the speaker's personal journey with death, as the speaker reflects on her own feelings and emotions as she journeys with Death. The speaker describes her personal experience of death as a "gentleman" who "kindly stopped for me" and takes her on a journey to eternity. This emphasis on the personal, subjective experience is a hallmark of Romanticism, as the poets often explore their own thoughts and emotions in their work.

Additionally, the poem also reflects the focus on the individual's inner experience, it presents the idea of death as a personal experience, which is not something that should be feared or loathed but embraced and accept as a natural part of life, and a journey of the individual soul.

Overall, the poem reflects the focus on the individual and subjective experience as a key aspect of Romanticism in its exploration of the speaker's personal emotions and thoughts as she journeys with death.

examine the scenario below.





because it actually describes what happened

Bennet is writing a story about a journey to the Arctic.
1. Make a list
of supplies
needed for
the journey.
2. Describe
the purpose
of the
OA. Switch numbers 3 and 5.
OB. Switch numbers 1 and 2.
OC. Switch numbers 2 and 3.
OD. Switch numbers 1 and 3.
3. Explain
how the
travel to the
Which events should be switched to improve the organization of the story?
4. Explain
how the
appears upon
5. Include
about how
the Arctic
cold feels to



OD. Switch numbers 1 and 3.

The correct order for the events in the story should be:

Describe the purpose of the expedition.

Make a list of supplies needed for the journey.

Explain how the characters travel to the Arctic.

Explain how the setting appears upon arrival.

Include dialogue about how the Arctic cold feels to characters.

Certainly! The purpose of the expedition should be described first because it sets the context and gives the reader an understanding of the motivations and goals of the characters. After the purpose of the journey has been established, it is useful to provide a list of supplies that are needed because it gives the reader an understanding of the preparation and planning that goes into the journey.

Next, it is important to explain how the characters travel to the Arctic because it helps the reader understand the logistics and challenges of the journey. After the characters have arrived at their destination, it is useful to describe the setting and how it appears upon arrival because it helps the reader visualize the location and understand the environment in which the characters are operating.

Finally, including dialogue about how the Arctic cold feels to the characters helps the reader understand the challenges and experiences of the characters as they navigate the harsh environment.

I want to write a paragraph of500 words How can governments encourage women to practis sports



There are many ways that governments can encourage women to participate in sports. One approach is to provide funding for female sports teams and organizations. This can include financing for uniforms, equipment, and facilities, as well as hiring and training coaches and other support staff. Governments can also work with schools and community organizations to provide access to sports programs and facilities for girls and women. Another way to encourage female participation in sports is to provide education and resources about the benefits of physical activity and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This can include information about the positive effects of sports on mental and physical health, as well as the social and emotional benefits of being part of a team. Additionally, governments can work to promote and support female athletes and sports figures as role models, highlighting their successes and achievements in order to inspire and motivate girls and women to get involved in sports. Finally, governments can work to address any cultural or societal barriers that may discourage women from participating in sports, such as outdated gender stereotypes or biases. By taking a multifaceted approach to encouraging women's involvement in sports, governments can help to create a more inclusive and active society.


150 / 100 x 500

= 150 x 5

= 750

2. Dina sat in her apartment and felt stuck. She wanted to go to school, but she had to work to get money. She wanted to see the world, but she had to pay rent. She looked out the window of her tiny room. Her pet bird was signing in its cage. Dina let a handful of seeds fall through the bars of the birdcage. She sang a lullaby. Her voice was sweet.
What is the symbol?
What does the symbol represent?​


A mark, sign, or term that denotes, denotes, or is taken to denote an idea, an item, or a relationship is known as a symbol.

What is Symbol ?

By connecting seemingly unrelated ideas and events, symbols help people look beyond the known and the visible. Symbols are used in all communication (and data processing) to achieve this.

Symbols are used to communicate other ideas and beliefs and might take the shape of words, sounds, gestures, ideas, or visual representations. For instance, on maps, blue lines frequently signify rivers, and a red rose frequently denotes compassion and love. A red octagon is a traditional symbol for "STOP."

Learn more about Symbol here


1. What is the meaning of the title "Why Bother?" Why do you think the author chose it? What is he trying to tell us, his audience, in this title?
2. Who is the author? What authority does he have to write on this subject? Is he an expert? If not, how would this knowledge affect your reading and
interpretation of his text?
3. What is the main idea of this text? Explain why he focuses on this main idea to develop his text.
4. What is the purpose for writing "Why Bother?" What is Pollan trying to achieve? Is the text purely informative, or is he trying to persuade you of doing
5. Who do you think Pollan's audience is? Explain.
6. What do you think is the tone of this text? Is it informative, persuasive, funny, angry, passionate, sad, annoyed, apathetic, etc.? Explain how you figured
out his tone.


That is the main issue we must address if we are to take action against climate change, and the answer is not simple. I'm not sure about you,

What is climate?

The climate is the long-term activity of weather in a particular area. Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month, or even year-to-year. A region's weather patterns, usually tracked for fewer than many years, are considered its climate.

The most distressing part of "An Inconvenient Truth" for me occurred after Al Gore had already terrified me to death by making an extremely compelling argument that the very survival of life on Earth as we know it is threatened by climate change.

Therefore, fighting climate warming, and the solution is not straightforward. You know better than I do.

Learn more about the climate here:


would you say being assigned your job or career by government is volation of individual right


Yes, being assigned a job or career by the government is a violation of individual rights.

What is government?
is a system of governing an area, people, or organization, usually consisting of a body of elected or appointed officials. Government is responsible for setting and enforcing laws, collecting taxes, providing services, and making decisions that benefit the community. Governments also provide public goods, such as education, infrastructure, healthcare, and public safety. Governments can be divided into three types: democratic, autocratic, and hybrid. Democratic governments are based on the principle of majority rule, while autocratic governments are ruled by one individual or small group.

Everyone has the right to choose their own career and job, and having the government make those decisions for them is a clear violation of those rights.

To learn more about government


1. How should this sentence be changed?
The day was sunny, warm, and there was a breeze.


The day was sunny, warm, and windy, to use a comparable phrase.

How can you make a sentence parallel by rewriting it?

A sentence's repetition of a specific grammatical pattern is known as parallel structure (also known as parallelism). You establish a parallel construction when all of the concepts or items being compared in your phrase adhere to the same grammatical structure.

What two instances of parallel lines are there?

Railroad tracks, sidewalk edges, ladder rails, never-ending rail tracks, opposing sides of a ruler, opposite edges of a pen, eraser, etc. are examples of parallel lines in real life. When using paired words like both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also, parallelism is crucial.

To know more about comparable phrase visit :-


can someone help me write a 1000 word essay on h p love craft


Write a 1000 word essay on h p love craft

H.P. Lovecraft is one of the most influential horror writers of all time. His works have been adapted into films, television shows, and video games, and he has been cited as an influence by countless authors, filmmakers, and game designers. Lovecraft's writing style is unique and has been described as "cosmic horror," a genre that focuses on the horror of the unknown and the unknowable. Lovecraft's works often feature themes of cosmic horror, with characters facing off against ancient and powerful forces, often with dire consequences.

Lovecraft was born in Providence, Rhode Island in 1890. He was an avid reader from a young age, and was particularly drawn to the works of Edgar Allan Poe and Lord Dunsany. He began writing stories of his own at the age of eight, and by the time he was a teenager, he was already submitting stories to magazines. He was also an avid letter writer, and his correspondence with other writers and editors helped to shape his writing style.

Lovecraft's works often feature themes of cosmic horror, with characters facing off against ancient and powerful forces, often with dire consequences. His stories often feature ancient gods, monsters, and other supernatural creatures, as well as mysterious and unknowable forces. Lovecraft's works often feature a sense of dread and despair, as his characters are often powerless against the forces they face.

Lovecraft's works often feature themes of cosmic horror, but he also wrote stories in other genres, such as science fiction, fantasy, and horror. His works often feature themes of science and technology, and he often used science and technology as a way to explore the unknown and the unknowable. He also wrote stories that explored the themes of racism and xenophobia, as well as stories that explored the themes of madness and insanity.

Lovecraft's writing style is unique and has been described as "cosmic horror," a genre that focuses on the horror of the unknown and the unknowable. His works often feature a sense of dread and despair, as his characters are often powerless against the forces they face. He often used science and technology as a way to explore the unknown and the unknowable, and he often used science and technology as a way to explore the themes of racism and xenophobia.

Lovecraft's works have had a lasting influence on horror and science fiction, and his works have been adapted into films, television shows, and video games. His works have been cited as an influence by countless authors, filmmakers, and game designers. Lovecraft's works have also been used as inspiration for other works, such as the works of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman.

How are descriptive narratives usually organized?


Answer: Some ways to organize descriptive writing include: chronological (time), spatial (location), and order of importance. Descriptive writing about a person might begin with a physical description, followed by how the person thinks, feels and acts.

5. Which phrase from the story best indicates the historical period in which the events take place?
A) and in the open field back of the sawmill the Prussian soldiers were drilling
B) but, of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning
C) All at once the church-clock struck twelve
D) For forty years he had been there in the same place


D) For forty years he had been there in the same place is the best phrase to indicate the historical period in which the events take place because it gives a specific time frame of 40 years. This helps to narrow down the time period in which the events of the story could have taken place.

What are my top two barriers in participating physical activity? What are my plans
of action to overcome these barriers?



I'm sorry, but I don't have enough information about you to accurately identify your top two barriers to participating in physical activity or to suggest plans of action for overcoming them. There are many different potential barriers to participating in physical activity, and the specific barriers that someone faces will depend on a variety of factors, including their age, physical abilities, and personal circumstances. Some common barriers to physical activity include lack of time, lack of motivation, lack of access to appropriate facilities or equipment, and health conditions or injuries that limit one's ability to be physically active. To overcome these barriers, it can be helpful to identify the specific factors that are preventing you from being active, and then to develop a plan of action that addresses those factors. This might involve setting specific goals, finding ways to make physical activity more convenient or enjoyable, seeking support from friends or family members, or working with a healthcare provider or other professional to develop a safe and effective exercise plan.


what’s the answer to this problem


Answer: 3 and 4 I believe!


Which of the following is a correctly cited anthology?
A. Goldoni, Carlo. "The Servant of Two Masters." The Classic Theater. Eric Bentley, New York: Anchor Books. 145-236.
B. Goldoni, Carlo. "The Servant of Two Masters." The Classic Theater. New York: Anchor Books. 145-236.Ed. Eric Bentley
C. Goldoni, Carlo. "The Servant of Two Masters." The Classic Theater. Ed. Eric Bentley, New York: Anchor Books. 145-236.
D. Goldoni, Carlo. "The Servant of Two Masters." The Classic Theater. New York: Anchor Books. 145-236. Eric Bentley


Goldoni, Carlo. "The Servant of Two Masters." The Classic Theater. Ed. Eric Bentley, New York: Anchor Books. 145-236 is a correctly cited anthology.

What is anthology?
An anthology is a collection of works from various authors, typically in the same genre. Anthologies may contain short stories, poems, plays, and other types of literature. Anthologies can be published in book form or magazine form, and may have a theme that ties all the works together. Anthologies can showcase the work of established authors, or they can feature new and emerging authors. An anthology can provide readers with an opportunity to discover new authors, explore a variety of topics, and gain an appreciation for different writing styles and genres.

To learn more about anthology


Explain Mitchie’s concept of “ladylike anorexia,” giving examples​



Mitchie's concept of "ladylike anorexia" is a term used to describe a form of disordered eating or dieting that is based on a perception of what it means to be a “lady.” This concept is rooted in the idea that womanhood is associated with being thin, small, and delicate and that “real” ladies should strive for these characteristics. To that end, some women may take extreme measures to limit their caloric intake in order to achieve the desired body type, often to the extreme detriment to their physical and mental health. Examples of this kind of behavior can include avoiding food in social situations, eating only small amounts of food, or only eating very specific kinds of food.

Which of these passages support the theme "Nature can be more dangerous than it seems."

Question 11 options:


It was a clear day, and yet there seemed an intangible pall over the face of a subtle gloom that made the day dark, and that was due to the absence of sun… A few more days must pass before that cheerful orb, due south, would just peep above the sky line and dip immediately from view.


The animal was depressed by the tremendous cold. It knew that it was no time for traveling. The dog wanted fire, or else to burrow under the snow and cuddle its warmth away from the air.


Empty as the man's mind was of thoughts, he was keenly observant, and he noticed the changes in the creek, the curves and bends and timber jams, and always he sharply noted where he placed his feet.


Working carefully from a small beginning, he soon had a roaring fire, over which he thawed the ice from his face and in the protection of which he ate his biscuits.


The passage that shows the theme nature is more dangerous than it seems is option A, "It was a clear day, and yet there seemed an intangible pall over the..."

What is a theme?

A theme is an idea developed in a story by means of characters' actions, thoughts, and dialogues as well as the events and conflicts that take place. In "To Build a Fire," one of the themes is that nature can be more dangerous than it seems.

That is the case with the passage in option A, where such theme is developed. Notice how the clear sky is almost deceiving. Although clear, it is not a sign of warm weather and safety. Quite the opposite, there is no sun, no warmth.

Learn more about themes here:


a friend of yours confided in you that he intends to Dropout of school to get married write a letter to her giving her at least three reasons why she need to stay at school (write in essay form)​


I believe you should continue your education since, when you're older, a solid education will be necessary for you to find employment. Another factor is that getting married will be unfamiliar to you and may put a lot of pressure on you.

What guidance would you offer to someone considering leaving high school?

Consult the school. Make an appointment to speak with your teen's guidance counselor. Most high schools actually provide a range of assistance options for students who are having trouble, like online courses.

What should be done to stop dropouts?

Make contact with parents outside of the classroom. Connect with the students who are most at danger. Get students involved in extracurricular activities. Advisors and pupils are paired.

To know more about education visit :-


I’m under so much stress can someone please write my essay outline on the great Gatsby I will send the outline if you send your email



hello just send a question with the outline or put the outline here in the comments


PLS HELP ASAP!!! Q71 1984: Which description best characterizes the woman who speaks here?

Select one:
a. a nervous woman who is afraid to be in jail.
b. an angry woman who is trying to add to Winston’s pain.
c. a boisterous woman who intensifies Winston’s curiosity.
d. a Party prisoner who knows exactly what will happen next.


The description best characterizes the woman who speaks here is c. a boisterous woman who intensifies Winston’s curiosity.

What was the best characteristics of  the woman?

The context of the story is based on the characteristics of a woman who was referred to as being boisterous woman because of the way she carries out her things.

The phrase "boisterous woman who deepens Winston's curiosity" best describes the speaker in this situation.

Having a strong desire to study or understand something is being curious. Curious people frequently don't "need" the answers to their questions. They look for answers to their queries in order to learn more. In order to extend their horizons, those who are interested may also actively seek out difficulties and novel situations.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about woman at:


1. If ..... you were coming, I would have baked a cake! O A. I would know B. I would have known C. I had known OD. I had had known​


I would have made a cake if I had known you were going to be here. A well-known song by the writers Al Hoffman, Bob Merrill, and Clem Watts, "If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked a Cake," was released in 1950.

Who wrote If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked a Cake ?

Eileen Barton's January 1950 recording of the song is the one that is most well-known in the United States. The two sides' recording sessions were under the musical direction of Joe Lipman. National Records issued the track under catalog number 9103 for public use. In order to help with distribution when the song proved too popular for National to manage, an agreement was made with Mercury Records.

The song initially appeared on the Billboard charts on March 3, 1950, and stayed there for 15 weeks, peaking at number one. One of Tom Dowd's first successful productions was the song. The song's recording by Barton was included in Billboard's list of 101 Perennial Singles Hits in 1962. This group was created "for year-round programming by jukebox operators and radio stations."

Therefore the correct answer is option A. I would know

To learn more about Al Hoffman refer to :


Which statement from the text supports the author’s claim that making lace is

A “Lace can be produced either with a needle and thread (needle lace) or by
interweaving threads wound on bobbins.”

B “As many as 50 bobbins, each holding an individual thread, might be used to
work a single pattern.”

C “Ask the lacemakers to indicate which patterns are most traditional, as each
town is known for its own patterns.”

D “You can pick up small items like napkins for around seven to 15 Brazilian
reals (just a few dollars).”



The statement that supports the claim that making lace is laborious is B, “As many as 50 bobbins, each holding..., might be used to work a single pattern.”

What is a claim?

Claim is that opinion or stance presented and defended by the author or speaker. For this particular question, we know that the claim is that making lace is laborious, that is, difficult, arduous. Thus, we must find the statement that functions as evidence to support that idea.

That is why option B is the best answer choice for this question. If you need up to 50 bobbins to make a single pattern, that means lace is more difficult and arduous than it may seem at first glance. We can imagine how long it takes and what skills are necessary to make a simple lace napkin, for example.

Therefore, it is possible to conclude that we have chosen the right answer choice by selecting option B.

Learn more about claim here:


What is a benefit of adding a certification to your resume?

Credibility and support to your knowledge

Has no effect

Guarantees you will get a job

Shows you went to a good school


OPTION A- Credibility and support to your knowledge is a benefit of adding a certification to your resume.

What is Resume?

By obtaining a certification, you may show off your enthusiasm and validate your specialized knowledge and abilities. Including your obtained credentials on your resume might help you stand out from the competition and attract the attention of potential employers.

Certifications are special qualifications that a person can obtain to demonstrate their reliability and ability to carry out a profession. Your certification is often presented as a document that certifies that, as a professional, you have received the necessary training, education, and preparation to fulfill the requirements of your position.

Licenses and certifications are documents that attest to your achievement of the competences, skills, and knowledge necessary to properly carry out specific job responsibilities and activities.

Learn to know more about resume visit:


What is Romeo’s Plan when he finds out Juliet is dead



doesn’t he die after she does via dagger to the heart


What does Victor think the monster will do if he, Victor, doesn't do as the monster asks in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein?
A. The monster will let society know that Victor created him.
B. The monster will kill himself.
C. Victor fears the monster will harm his family.
D. The monster will keep bothering Victor until he gets what he wants.


Answer: option C

Explanation: Based on the information provided, it seems that the correct answer is option C: Victor fears the monster will harm his family. In these chapters of Frankenstein, the monster tells Victor that he will cause him to suffer if Victor does not fulfill his request, and the monster specifically mentions that he will attack Victor's loved ones. Victor is afraid that the monster will harm his family if he does not do as the monster asks.

Victor fears the monster will harm his family if he doesn't do as the monster asks in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein, hence option C is correct.

Who is Victor?

The main character of Mary Shelley's 1818 book Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, is Victor Frankenstein. He is a smart man who is obsessed with reanimation, or reawakening the dead.

He studies old and out-of-date writings by alchemists and ancient scientists diligently to satisfy this desire.

Victor worries about the monster hurting his family. The monster warns Victor in these chapters of Frankenstein that if he does not comply with his request, he would suffer, and the monster particularly specifies that he will target Victor's loved ones.

Therefore, if Victor does not comply with the monster's demands, the monster might hurt his family.

Learn more about Victor, here:


Write an essay on social media and the effect of social media on learners.


Social media refers to group interactions in which members build, share, and/or trade knowledge and concepts in online communities. The ability to interact with others has evolved into a fundamental human need.

What is an essay?

A brief piece of writing that presents the author's point of view or narrative is referred to as an essay. It's frequently used interchangeably with a narrative, paper, or article. Informally written essays are also possible. Academic in nature and focusing on important subjects, formal essays are usually. We'll be concentrating on non-academic essays, which are more intimate and frequently contain amusing elements.

An essay no longer has to follow a strict structure. Given that it involves creativity, it shouldn't be restricted. However, when writing essays, a standard format is typically used. So let's examine an essay's fundamental format.




To learn more about Essay visit:


Can someone help me with this question?


Correct sentence is "When you call to invite children to the party, try to find out from their parents if they are allergic to any foods you are planning to prepare."

How should you phrase the invitation when you call the children's parents?

When you call the parents, phrase the invitation in a polite and friendly manner, and ask if their children have any allergies that need to be considered when choosing the food for the party.

What other information should you find out when calling the parents?

When calling the parents, it is important to also find out if they have any dietary restrictions or preferences that should be taken into account when planning the party. Additionally, it is important to confirm the date and time of the party, and ask if the children will need to be picked up or dropped off.

To learn more about children, visit:


The words below have a similar
denotation. Which word has the
most positive connotation?
happy, content, satisfied
A. happy
B. satisfied
C. content



I would say that happy has the most positive connotation. All three words describe feeling good or positive, but happy is generally associated with a stronger, more intense feeling of joy or pleasure. Content and satisfied both suggest a more moderate or subdued feeling of happiness.

The errors below are common. Both grammar and vocabulary are im grasp of the English language. There are errors in the following sentences. Rewrite them correctly. 1. Being a fine day I went to the seashore. ​


This sentence is correctly written as with correct vocabulary :- Since it was a fine day, I went to the seashore.

What is vocabulary, for instance?

A list, group, or collection of terms, usually arranged alphabetically and explained or defined: lexicon. Every Monday, the weekly vocabulary is posted online. a collection or stock of words used by a language, group, person, work, or field of study. a youngster with a broad vocabulary.

What exactly are vocabulary skills?

The knowledge of words, including their structure (morphology), use (grammar), meanings (semantics), and connections to other words (word/semantic relationships), is referred to as vocabulary and is a key component of literacy instruction.

To know more about vocabulary visit:-


Raul and are on the green team. He and have finished our science project


Raul and I are on the green team. He and I have finished our science project.

What is project?
A project is a set of activities that are planned and managed in order to achieve a desired goal. It involves a series of tasks that are completed in a certain order, which requires resources such as manpower, money, materials and time. Projects are typically undertaken to solve a problem, create a product or service, or improve an existing process. Projects are managed by a project manager, who organizes the tasks, assigns roles and responsibilities to the team, and monitors progress throughout the project. The success of a project depends on the effective use of resources, communication between stakeholders and the team, and effective project management.

To learn more about project


Which statement best represents the power of the modern-day monster on readers? A. the monster causes readers to think that those who are different are evil


The statement that best represents the power of the modern-day monster on readers is, "readers must consider that monsters live among them, maybe in their own town." Thus, option C is correct.

What is Monster?

A monster is a fictitious entity that may be found in the genres of horror, fantasy, science fiction, folklore, mythology, and religion. Monsters are frequently portrayed as deadly and aggressive.

Readers are compelled to confront the possibility of monstrous behaviors inside themselves, such as hatred or prejudice, which best reflects the power of the modern-day monster on readers. According to the author, the monster might be anywhere and everywhere, but we only notice it when it attacks us or comes from within us.  Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about monster here:


Your question was incomplete, probably the complete question was....

A:the monster causes readers to think that those who are different are evil.

B:the monster heightens the readers fear of the wilderness and the unknown.

C:readers must consider that monsters live among them,maybe in their own town.

D:readers learn to fear those who have exceptional physical strength.

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